Spotted: One of the following three things: A bear, a gremlin, or a dog in a raincoat. When the impossible has been eliminated, what remains, however unlikely, must be the Truth. It's a gremlin. At: 4th street and Avenue A
Spotted: As many of the finer details may not be clearly distinguishable in this photo, allow me to point them out for you. This dog is wearing: 1) Burberry 2) A dress 3) A sequined gold collar 4) A glittery gold leash
Spotted: Match made in heaven: SWDog seeks Cozy Red Sweater for walks in central park, autumns in the city, and lasting friendship. At: Upper something-or-other.
Spotted: This dog is a small polar bear that drifted off his iceberg and ended up in Jamaica. You know he's just been sitting on a beach somewhere, relaxin'. Where are his sunglasses? At: Avenue A and 8th street